Thursday 2 May 2013

RAK 94 - The Walking Dead for you...

April 4

If you spend much time with our family, it doesn't take long to notice that many of the members are Zombie crazed.  Many of our dinner conversations turn to Zombie Apocalypse Survival strategies ... and that's about when I tune out.

I am the one who flat out refuses to watch any scary movies.  I have been known to walk out of movie theaters, or leave the couch in the credits when my conviction is waned and I allow myself to be convinced to 'just try watching this one'.

When I suggested one day - trying to contribute to the Zombie Apocalypse conversation - that I wasn't sure I could bring myself to defeat a zombie with a stake through the heart...  I was ALMOST kicked out of my family...  (apparently that's a vampire thing .. who knew?!) 

In that moment I was flat out warned by Jeremy ... in the most loving way possible I am sure... "In the Zombie Apocalypse it is every man for himself, don't expect me to save your a$$ because your refusal to watch scary movies leaves you uneducated." (jerk - and I too mean that in a loving way ;) ) - oi, just feed me to the zombies already....

Then came The Walking Dead -

We caught the first episode by fluke...  He saw Zombies and stopped flipping channels... I protested at first... but then kinda got hooked...  I found myself liking the characters through covered eyes and cringes, and was rooting for them to survive in this scary new world..

For today's RAK I went to Chapters online and ordered The Compendium of The Walking Dead graphic novels that was missing from Jeremy's collection. Then to get free shipping I added a copy of 'The Rise of the Governor".  :)

All joking aside ... I am married to this amazing guy who loves and supports my every endeavor, who is my biggest cheerleader in life, and who completely sees and respects my heart.  He is an amazing father, a fantastic cook... and he brings me coffee in bed every. single. morning.  I am married to him... but I still get to be me.  Every day I open my eyes feeling grateful that I get to be his wife.  This token of my affection was very small...  but I know it meant alot to him.

... and secretly I am kinda hoping he will change his mind about the 'saving my a$$' thing.

Hehe <3


On behalf of the Kornel/Peters Family

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